Prototype Services
A PROTO declaration is represented by the X3DProtoDeclaration object. This object can only be fetched using the X3DExecutionContext object.
Instance Creation Method(s)
None. This object cannot be instantiated by the user.
name: string
A string of the declared name of this prototype. This property is read only.
fields: FieldDefinitionArray
A reference to FieldDefinitionArray of all the fields defined for this prototype. This property is read only.
isExternProto: boolean
Always has the value of false. This property is read only.
newInstance (): SFNode
Creates a new default instance of the prototype.
toVRMLString (options: Options): string
Returns the X3D VRML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of createX3DFromString () of X3DBrowser, produce this prototype.
For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.
toXMLString (options: Options): string
Returns the X3D XML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of createX3DFromString () of X3DBrowser, produce this prototype.
For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.
toJSONString (options: Options): string
Returns the X3D JSON-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of createX3DFromString () of X3DBrowser, produce this prototype.
For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.
An EXTERNPROTO declaration is represented by the X3DExternProtoDeclaration object. EXTERNPROTO declarations can only be fetched using the X3DExecutionContext object.
Instance Creation Method(s)
None. This object cannot be instantiated by the user.
name: string
A string of the declared name of this extern prototype. This property is read only.
fields: FieldDefinitionArray
A reference to FieldDefinitionArray of all the fields defined for this extern prototype. This property is read only.
urls: MFString
A MFString array of all the URI’s defined for this extern prototype. This property is read only.
isExternProto: boolean
Always has the value of true. This property is read only.
loadState: number
The value is one of the _STATE properties defined in the X3DConstants object. This property is read only.
newInstance (): SFNode
Creates a new default instance of the extern prototype.
loadNow (): Promise<void>
Triggers the loading of the extern prototype. It returns a Promise that is resolved when the extern prototype is completely loaded and all instances are updated.
toVRMLString (options: Options): string
Returns the X3D VRML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of createX3DFromString () of X3DBrowser, produce this extern prototype.
For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.
toXMLString (options: Options): string
Returns the X3D XML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of createX3DFromString () of X3DBrowser, produce this extern prototype.
For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.
toJSONString (options: Options): string
Returns the X3D JSON-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of createX3DFromString () of X3DBrowser, produce this extern prototype.
For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.
ProtoDeclarationArray is an object that represents an array of X3DProtoDeclaration objects. This is a read-only object. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. protoDeclarationArrayName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array).
Instance Creation Method(s)
None. This object cannot be instantiated by the user.
length: number
An integer containing the number of elements in the array. This property is read only.
ExternProtoDeclarationArray is an object that represents an array of X3DExternProtoDeclaration objects. This is a read-only object. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. externProtoDeclarationArrayName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array).
Instance Creation Method(s)
None. This object cannot be instantiated by the user.
length: number
An integer containing the number of elements in the array. This property is read only.