



AnisotropyMaterialExtension is an extension for the PhysicalMaterial and SpecularGlossinessMaterial nodes. For this node to have an effect, add an EnvironmentLight node.

The AnisotropyMaterialExtension node belongs to the X_ITE component and requires at least level 1, its default container field is extensions. It is available from X3D version 4.0 or higher.

Info: Please note that this node is still experimental, i.e. the functionality of this node may change in future versions of X_ITE.


+ X3DNode
  + X3DMaterialExtensionNode
    + AnisotropyMaterialExtension


SFNode [in, out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]

Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node.


SFFloat [in, out] anisotropyStrength 0 [0,∞)

The anisotropy strength. When the anisotropy texture is present, this value is multiplied by the texture’s blue channel.

SFFloat [in, out] anisotropyRotation 0 (-∞,∞)

The rotation of the anisotropy in tangent, bitangent space, measured in radians counter-clockwise from the tangent. When the anisotropy texture is present, this value provides additional rotation to the vectors in the texture.

SFString [in, out] anisotropyTextureMapping “”

Input/Output field anisotropyTextureMapping.

SFNode [in, out] anisotropyTexture NULL [X3DSingleTextureNode]

The anisotropy texture. Red and green channels represent the anisotropy direction in tangent, bitangent space to be rotated by the anisotropy rotation. The blue channel contains strength as to be multiplied by the anisotropy strength.


See Also

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