


ViewpointGroup can contain Viewpoint, OrthoViewpoint, GeoViewpoint and other ViewpointGroup nodes for better user-navigation support with a shared description on the viewpoint list.

The ViewpointGroup node belongs to the Navigation component and requires at least level 3, its default container field is children. It is available from X3D version 3.2 or higher.


+ X3DNode
  + X3DChildNode
    + ViewpointGroup


SFNode [in, out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]

Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node.


SFString [in, out] description “”

Text description or navigation hint to identify this ViewpointGroup.


  • Include space characters since a description is not a DEF identifier. Write short phrases that make descriptions clear and readable.
  • Many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for “ quotation-mark character).


  • Without description, this ViewpointGroup is unlikely to appear on browser Viewpoint menus.

SFBool [in, out] displayed TRUE

displayed determines whether this ViewpointGroup is displayed in the current viewpoint list.

SFBool [in, out] retainUserOffsets FALSE

Retain (true) or reset to zero (false) any prior user navigation offsets from defined viewpoint position, orientation.

SFVec3f [in, out] size 0 0 0 (-∞,∞)

size of Proximity box around center location, oriented within local transformation frame, within which ViewpointGroup is usable and displayed on viewpoint list.


  • size 0 0 0 specifies that ViewpointGroup is always usable and displayable.

SFVec3f [in, out] center 0 0 0 (-∞,∞)

center specifies center point of proximity box within which ViewpointGroup is usable and displayed on viewpoint list.

MFNode [in, out] children [ ] [X3DViewpointNode | ViewpointGroup]

ViewpointGroup contains Viewpoint, OrthoViewpoint, GeoViewpoint and other ViewpointGroup nodes that each have containerField='children' default value.


  • InputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
  • InputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
  • X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types /Part01/components/grouping.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodes



  • Use ViewpointGroup as parent for Viewpoint, OrthoViewpoint, GeoViewpoint and other ViewpointGroup nodes to constrain location proximity where contained viewpoints are available to user.
  • ViewpointGroup and OrthoViewpoint require Navigation component level 3, which is higher than CADInterchange profile.
  • Viewpoint and ViewpointGroup descriptions together build simple menu/submenu lists for simple user navigation. ViewpointGroup is not an X3DGroupingNode, and can only contain a Metadata* node, Viewpoint, OrthoViewpoint, GeoViewpoint and other ViewpointGroup nodes.

See Also

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