
Field Services and Objects

Field Services and Objects


The X3DFieldDefinition object represents all of the descriptive properties of a single field of a node.

Instance Creation Method(s)



accessType: number

Value from the X3DConstants object describing the accessType (e.g., “X3DConstants.inputOnly”). This property is read only.

dataType: number

Value from X3DConstants object describing the field’s data type (e.g., “X3DConstants.SFBool”). This property is read only.

name: string

A string of the field name (e.g., “children”). This property is read only.




FieldDefinitionArray is an object that represents an array of X3DFieldDefinition objects. This is a read-only object. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. fieldDefinitionArrayName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array).

Instance Creation Method(s)

None. This object cannot be instantiated by the user.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. This property is read only.



Field Hierarchy

+ X3DField
  + SFColor
  + SFColorRGBA
  + SFImage
  + SFMatrix3d
  + SFMatrix3f
  + SFMatrix4d
  + SFMatrix4f
  + SFNode
  + SFRotation
  + SFVec2d
  + SFVec2f
  + SFVec3d
  + SFVec3f
  + SFVec4d
  + SFVec4f
  + X3DArrayField
    + MFBool
    + MFColor
    + MFColorRGBA
    + MFDouble
    + MFFloat
    + MFImage
    + MFInt32
    + MFMatrix3d
    + MFMatrix3f
    + MFMatrix4d
    + MFMatrix4f
    + MFNode
    + MFRotation
    + MFString
    + MFVec2d
    + MFVec2f
    + MFVec3d
    + MFVec3f
    + MFVec4d
    + MFVec4f


The X3DField object is the base object of all SF* field and X3DArrayField.

Instance Creation Method(s)





getType (): number

Returns one of the Field Type Constants from X3DConstants object.

getTypeName (): string

Returns the field type name.

copy (): X3DField

Returns a copy of this X3DField.

equals (field: X3DField): boolean

Returns true if the passed SF* or MF* field of the same type is equals to this object, otherwise false.

addFieldCallback (key: any, callback: (value: any) => void): void

Adds a field callback function, if external browser interface is used. Key is a custom key of any type associated with the callback. The callback is called when the field has been changed.

The callback has a signature of function (value), where value is the current value of the field.

removeFieldCallback (key: any): void

Removes a field callback function associated with key.

dispose (): void

Disposes this X3DField. The object can then no longer be used.

SFColor Object

The SFColor object corresponds to an X3D SFColor field. All properties are accessed using the syntax sfColorObjectName.<property>, where sfColorObjectName is an instance of a SFColor object. All methods are invoked using the syntax sfColorObjectName.method (<argument-list>), where sfColorObjectName is an instance of a SFColor object.

Instance Creation Method(s)

sfColorObjectName = new SFColor ()

A new color initialized with zero values is created and returned.

sfColorObjectName = new SFColor (r, g, b)

r, g, and b are scalar values with the red, green, and blue values of the color in the range 0–1.


The [@@iterator]() method of SFColor instances implements the iterable protocol and allows SFColor objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns a iterator object that yields the properties of the object in order.

const copy = new SFColor (... color); // Copy using spread syntax.


r: number

Red component of the color.

g: number

Green component of the color.

b: number

Blue component of the color.


getHSV (): Array

Return an array with the components of the color’s HSV value.

setHSV (h: number, s: number, v: number): void

Sets a HSV color value; h is the hue, s is the saturation, v is the value and a is the alpha component of the HSV color.

The saturation, and value component must be in the range 0–1, and the hue component must be in the range 0–2π.

linearToSRGB (): SFColor

Returns a SFColor object whose value is converted to sRGB color space.

sRGBToLinear (): SFColor

Returns a SFColor object whose value is converted to linear color space.

lerp (destination: SFColor, t: number): SFColor

Linearly interpolates in HSV space between source color and destination color by an amount of t.

SFColorRGBA Object

The SFColorRGBA object corresponds to an X3D SFColorRGBA field. All properties are accessed using the syntax sfColorRGBAObjectName.<property>, where sfColorRGBAObjectName is an instance of a SFColorRGBA object. All methods are invoked using the syntax sfColorRGBAObjectName.method (<argument-list>), where sfColorRGBAObjectName is an instance of a SFColorRGBA object.

Instance Creation Method(s)

sfColorRGBAObjectName = new SFColorRGBA ()

A new color initialized with zero values is created and returned.

sfColorRGBAObjectName = new SFColorRGBA (r, g, b, a)

r, g, b and a are scalar values with the red, green and blue values of the color in the range 0–1.


The [@@iterator]() method of SFColorRGBA instances implements the iterable protocol and allows SFColorRGBA objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns a iterator object that yields the properties of the object in order.

const copy = new SFColorRGBA (... color); // Copy using spread syntax.


r: number

Red component of the color.

g: number

Green component of the color.

b: number

Blue component of the color.

a: number

Alpha component of the color.


getHSVA (): Array

Return an array with the components of the color’s HSVA value.

setHSVA (h: number, s: number, v: number, a: number): void

Sets a HSV color value; h is the hue, s is the saturation, v is the value and a is the alpha component of the HSV color.

The saturation, and value component must be in the range 0–1, and the hue component must be in the range 0–2π.

linearToSRGB (): SFColorRGBA

Returns a SFColorRGBA object whose value is converted to sRGB color space.

sRGBToLinear (): SFColorRGBA

Returns a SFColorRGBA object whose value is converted to linear color space.

lerp (destination: SFColorRGBA, t: number): SFColorRGBA

Linearly interpolates in HSVA space between source color and destination color by an amount of t.

SFImage Object

The SFImage object corresponds to an X3D SFImage field.

Instance Creation Method(s)

sfImageObjectName = new SFImage ()

A new image initialized with zero values is created and returned.

sfImageObjectName = new SFImage (width, height, components[, MFInt32 array])

width is the width in pixels of the image. height is the height in pixels of the image. components are the number of components of the image (0-4). array is a MFInt32 array with pixel data.


The [@@iterator]() method of SFImage instances implements the iterable protocol and allows SFImage objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns a iterator object that yields the properties of the object in order.

const copy = new SFImage (... image); // Copy using spread syntax.


width: number

Width of the image in pixels.

height: number

Height of the image in pixels.

comp: number

Number of components.

array: MFInt32

A MFInt32 array corresponding to the pixels of the image.



SFMatrix3d/SFMatrix3f Object

The SFMatrix3d/f object provides many useful methods for performing manipulations on 3×3 matrices. Each of element of the matrix can be accessed using C-style array dereferencing (i.e., sflMatrix3d/fObjectName[0], …, sflMatrixObjectName[8]).

Instance Creation Method(s)

sfMatrix3d/fObjectName = new SFMatrix3d/f ()

A new matrix initialized with the identity matrix is created and returned.

sfMatrix3d/fObjectName = new SFMatrix3d/f (r1, r2, r3)

A new matrix initialized with the vectors in r1 through r3 of type SFVec3d/f is created and returned.

sfMatrix3d/fObjectName = new SFMatrix3d/f (f11, f12, f13, f21, f22, f23, f31, f32, f33)

A new matrix initialized with the values in f11 through f44 is created and returned.


The [@@iterator]() method of SFMatrix3d/f instances implements the iterable protocol and allows SFMatrix3d/f objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns a iterator object that yields the properties of the object in order.

const copy = new SFMatrix3d (... matrix); // Copy using spread syntax.




setTransform (translation, rotation, scaleFactor, scaleOrientation, center): void

Sets the SFMatrix3d/f to the passed values. translation is an SFVec2d/f object, rotation is a Number, scaleFactor is a SFVec2d/f object, scaleOrientation is a Number and center is a SFVec2d/f object.

Any of the rightmost parameters can be omitted, or any parameter can be null. In other words, the method can take from 0 to 5 parameters. For example, you can specify 0 parameters (resulting in a identity matrix), 1 parameter (a translation), 2 parameters (a translation and a rotation), 3 parameters (a translation, rotation and a scaleFactor), etc. Any unspecified parameter is set to its default as specified in the Transform node section of the X3D specification.

getTransform (translation, rotation, scaleFactor, scaleOrientation, center): void

Decomposes the SFMatrix3d/f and returns the components in the passed translation, rotation, and scaleFactor objects. rotation is a SFVec3d/f, where x and y are the complex value of the rotation and z is the rotation angle in radians. The other types of the parameters are the same as in setTransform.

Any of the rightmost parameters can be omitted, or any parameter can be null. In other words, the method can take from 0 to 5 parameters. For example, you can specify 0 parameters (resulting in a identity matrix), 1 parameter (a translation), 2 parameters (a translation and a rotation), 3 parameters (a translation, rotation and a scaleFactor), etc. Any unspecified parameter is set to its default as specified in the Transform node section of the X3D specification.

A center of any value can be specified around which the rotation and scaling will take place.

determinant (): number

Returns the determinant of this object’s matrix.

inverse (): SFMatrix3d/f

Returns a SFMatrix whose value is the inverse of this object.

transpose (): SFMatrix3d/f

Returns a SFMatrix3d/f whose value is the transpose of this object.

multLeft (matrix: SFMatrix3d/f): SFMatrix3d/f

Returns a SFMatrix3d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed matrix on the left.

multRight (matrix: SFMatrix3d/f): SFMatrix3d/f

Returns a SFMatrix3d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed matrix on the right.

multVecMatrix (vec: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns a SFVec2d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed row vector.

multVecMatrix (vec: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns a SFVec3d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed row vector.

multMatrixVec (vec: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns a SFVec2d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed column vector.

multMatrixVec (vec: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns a SFVec3d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed column vector.

multDirMatrix (vec: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns a SFVec2d/f whose value is the object’s 2×2 submatrix multiplied by the passed row vector.

multMatrixDir (vec: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns a SFVec2d/f whose value is the object’s 2×2 submatrix multiplied by the passed column vector.

translate (translation: SFVec2d/f): SFMatrix3d/f

Returns a SFMatrix3d/f whose value is the object translated by the passed translation on the left.

rotate (rotation: number): SFMatrix3d/f

Returns a SFMatrix3d/f whose value is the object rotated by the passed rotation (in radians) on the left.

scale (scale: SFVec2d/f): SFMatrix3d/f

Returns a SFMatrix3d/f whose value is the object scaled by the passed scale on the left.

skewX (angle: number): SFMatrix3d/f

Returns a SFMatrix3d/f whose value is the object skewed by the passed angle (in radians) on the left.

skewY (angle: number): SFMatrix3d/f

Returns a SFMatrix3d/f whose value is the object skewed by the passed angle (in radians) on the left.

SFMatrix4d/SFMatrix4f Object

The SFMatrix4d/f object provides many useful methods for performing manipulations on 4×4 matrices. Each of element of the matrix can be accessed using C-style array dereferencing (i.e., sflMatrix4d/fObjectName[0], …, sflMatrixObjectName[15]).

Instance Creation Method(s)

sfMatrix4d/fObjectName = new SFMatrix4d/f ()

A new matrix initialized with the identity matrix is created and returned.

sfMatrix4d/fObjectName = new SFMatrix4d/f (r1, r2, r3, r4)

A new matrix initialized with the vectors in r1 through r4 of type SFVec4d/f is created and returned.

sfMatrix4d/fObjectName = new SFMatrix4d/f (f11, f12, f13, f14, f21, f22, f23, f24, f31, f32, f33, f34, f41, f42, f43, f44)

A new matrix initialized with the values in f11 through f44 is created and returned.


The [@@iterator]() method of SFMatrix4d/f instances implements the iterable protocol and allows SFMatrix4d/f objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns a iterator object that yields the properties of the object in order.

const copy = new SFMatrix4d (... matrix); // Copy using spread syntax.




setTransform (translation, rotation, scaleFactor, scaleOrientation, center): void

Sets the SFMatrix4d/f to the passed values. translation is an SFVec3d/f object, rotation is a SFRotation object, scaleFactor is a SFVec3d/f object, scaleOrientation is a SFRotation object and center is a SFVec3d/f object.

Any of the rightmost parameters can be omitted. In other words, the method can take from 0 to 5 parameters. For example, you can specify 0 parameters (resulting in a identity matrix), 1 parameter (a translation), 2 parameters (a translation and a rotation), 3 parameters (a translation, rotation and a scaleFactor), etc. Any unspecified parameter is set to its default as specified in the Transform node section of the X3D specification.

getTransform (translation, rotation, scaleFactor, scaleOrientation, center): void

Decomposes the SFMatrix4d/f and returns the components in the passed translation, rotation, and scaleFactor objects. The types of the parameters are the same as in setTransform.

Any of the rightmost parameters can be omitted. In other words, the method can take from 0 to 5 parameters. For example, you can specify 0 parameters (resulting in a identity matrix), 1 parameter (a translation), 2 parameters (a translation and a rotation), 3 parameters (a translation, rotation and a scaleFactor), etc. Any unspecified parameter is set to its default as specified in the Transform node section of the X3D specification.

A center of any value can be specified around which the rotation and scaling will take place.

determinant (): number

Returns the determinant of this object’s matrix.

inverse (): SFMatrix4d/f

Returns a SFMatrix whose value is the inverse of this object.

transpose (): SFMatrix4d/f

Returns a SFMatrix4d/f whose value is the transpose of this object.

multLeft (matrix: SFMatrix4d/f): SFMatrix4d/f

Returns a SFMatrix4d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed matrix on the left.

multRight (matrix: SFMatrix4d/f): SFMatrix4d/f

Returns a SFMatrix4d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed matrix on the right.

multVecMatrix (vec: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns a SFVec3d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed row vector.

multVecMatrix (SFVec4d/f vec): SFVec4d/f

Returns a SFVec4d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed row vector.

multMatrixVec (vec: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns a SFVec3d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed column vector.

multMatrixVec (SFVec4d/f vec): SFVec4d/f

Returns a SFVec4d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed column vector.

multDirMatrix (vec: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns a SFVec3d/f whose value is the object’s 3×3 submatrix multiplied by the passed row vector.

multMatrixDir (vec: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns a SFVec3d/f whose value is the object’s 3×3 submatrix multiplied by the passed column vector.

translate (translation: SFVec3d/f): SFMatrix4d/f

Returns a SFMatrix4d/f whose value is the object translated by the passed translation on the left.

rotate (rotation: SFRotation): SFMatrix4d/f

Returns a SFMatrix4d/f whose value is the object rotated by the passed rotation on the left.

scale (scale: SFVec3d/f): SFMatrix4d/f

Returns a SFMatrix4d/f whose value is the object scaled by the passed scale on the left.

SFNode Object

The SFNode object corresponds to an X3D SFNode field.

Instance Creation Method(s)

sfNodeObjectName = new SFNode (vrmlSyntax)

vrmlSyntax is a UTF-8 string containing the definition of an X3D node.

This constructor is only available inside Script nodes. If the specification version is greater than 2.0, SFNode will throw an error when instantiated directly, use X3DExecutionContext.createNode or X3DExecutionContext.createProto instead.


Each node may assign values to its inputOnly fields and obtain the last output values of its outputOnly fields using the sfNodeObjectName.fieldName syntax. The directOutput field of the corresponding Script node must then be set to TRUE.


getFieldDefinition (name: string): X3DFieldDefinition

Returns the corresponding X3DFieldDefinition object associated with name.

getFieldDefinitions (): FieldDefinitionArray

Returns a list of fields defined for the SFNode object.

getField (name: string): X3DField

Returns the corresponding X3DField object associated with name.

getNodeName (): string

Returns the node name.

getNodeType (): number []

Returns, in the array, a list of constant values that indicate node types as provided in the X3DConstants object.

See Concrete Node Types and Abstract Node Types.

getNodeTypeName (): string

Returns the node type name.

toVRMLString (options: Options): string

Returns the X3D VRML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of an SFNode field, produce this node.

For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.

toXMLString (options: Options): string

Returns the X3D XML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of an SFNode field, produce this node.

For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.

toJSONString (options: Options): string

Returns the X3D JSON-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of an SFNode field, produce this node.

For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.

SFRotation Object

The SFRotation object corresponds to an X3D SFRotation field.

Instance Creation Method(s)

sfRotationObjectName = new SFRotation ()

A new rotation initialized with the identity rotation is created and returned.

sfRotationObjectName = new SFRotation (x, y, z, angle)

x, y, and z are the axis of the rotation. angle is the angle of the rotation (in radians). All values are scalar.

sfRotationObjectName = new SFRotation (axis, angle)

axis is a SFVec3d/f object whose value is the axis of rotation. angle is the scalar angle of the rotation (in radians).

sfRotationObjectName = new SFRotation (fromVector, toVector)

fromVector and toVector are SFVec3d/f valued objects. These vectors are normalized and the rotation value that would rotate from the fromVector to the toVector is stored in the object.

sfRotationObjectName = new SFRotation (matrix)

matrix is an SFMatrix3d/f rotation matrix object whose value is converted into an SFRotation object.


The [@@iterator]() method of SFRotation instances implements the iterable protocol and allows SFRotation objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns a iterator object that yields the properties of the object in order.

const copy = new SFRotation (... rotation); // Copy using spread syntax.


x: number

Returns the first value of the axis vector.

y: number

Returns the second value of the axis vector.

z: number

Returns the third value of the axis vector

angle: number

A number corresponding to the angle of the rotation (in radians).


getAxis (): number

Returns the axis of rotation as an SFVec3f object.

getMatrix (): SFMatrix3f

Returns the rotation matrix as an SFMatrix3f object.

getQuaternion (): number []

Returns the underlying quaternion as Array with the four values [x, y, z, w].

inverse (): SFRotation

Returns a SFRotation object whose value is the inverse of this object’s rotation.

multiply (rotation: SFRotation): SFRotation

Returns an SFRotation whose value is the object multiplied by the passed SFRotation.

multVec (vec: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns a SFVec3f whose value is the SFVec3f vec multiplied by the matrix corresponding to this object’s rotation.

setAxis (vec: SFVec3d/f): void

Set the axis of rotation to the vector passed in vec.

setMatrix (matrix: SFMatrix3d/f): void

Set the value of this rotation to the rotation matrix passed in matrix.

setQuaternion (x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): void

Set the value of this rotation to the quaternion passed in x, y, z, w.

slerp (destRotation: SFRotation, t: number): SFRotation

Returns a SFRotation whose value is the spherical linear interpolation between this object’s rotation and destRotation at value 0 <= t <= 1. For t = 0, the value is this object’s rotation. For t = 1, the value is destRotation.

straighten (upVector?: SFVec3d/f = new SFVec3f (0, 1, 0)): SFRotation

Straightens the rotation so that the x-axis of the resulting rotation is parallel to the plane spawned by upVector. The default value for upVector is the y-axis.

SFVec2d/SFVec2f Object

The SFVec2d/f object corresponds to an X3D SFVec2d/f field. Each component of the vector can be accessed using the x and y properties or using C-style array dereferencing (i.e. sfVec2d/fObjectName[0] or sfVec2d/fObjectName[1]).

Instance Creation Method(s)

sfVec2d/fObjectName = new SFVec2d/f ()

A new vector initialized with zero values is created and returned.

sfVec2d/fObjectName = new SFVec2d/f (x, y)

Constructs a SFVec2d/f from x and y, where x and y are scalar expressions.


The [@@iterator]() method of SFVec2d/f instances implements the iterable protocol and allows SFVec2d/f objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns a iterator object that yields the properties of the object in order.

const copy = new SFVec2d (... vector); // Copy using spread syntax.


x: number

Returns the first value of the vector.

y: number

Returns the second value of the vector.


abs (): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the componentwise absolute value of the object.

add (other: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the passed SFVec2d/f added, componentwise, to the object.

clamp (low: SFVec2d/f, high: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns the elements of this object constrained to the range low to high. The returned value is computed as min(max(x, low), high).

distance (other: SFVec2d/f): number

Returns the distance of this vector to SFVec2d/f other.

divide (denominator): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the object divided by the passed numeric value.

divVec (other: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the object divided, componentwise, by the passed SFVec2d/f other.

dot (other: SFVec2d/f): number

Returns the dot product of this vector and SFVec2d/f other.

inverse (): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the componentwise inverse of the object.

length (): number

Returns the geometric length of this vector.

lerp (destination: SFVec2d/f, t: number): SFVec2d/f

Returns a SFVec2d/f whose value is the linear interpolation between this object’s vector and destination at value 0 <= t <= 1. For t = 0, the value is this object’s vector. For t = 1, the value is destination.

min (other: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the componentwise minimum of the passed SFVec2d/f and the object.

max (other: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the componentwise maximum of the passed SFVec2d/f and the object.

multiply (factor: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed numeric value.

multVec (other: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the passed SFVec2d/f multiplied, componentwise, with the object.

negate (): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the componentwise negation of the object.

normalize (): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f of object converted to unit length.

subtract (other: SFVec2d/f): SFVec2d/f

Returns an SFVec2d/f whose value is the passed SFVec2d/f subtracted, componentwise, from the object.

SFVec3d/SFVec3f Object

The SFVec3d/f object corresponds to an X3D SFVec3d/f field. Each component of the vector can be accessed using the x, y, and z properties or using C-style array dereferencing (i.e. sfVec3d/fObjectName[0], sfVec3d/fObjectName[1] or sfVec3d/fObjectName[2]).

Instance Creation Method(s)

sfVec3d/fObjectName = new SFVec3d/f ()

A new vector initialized with zero values is created and returned.

sfVec3d/fObjectName = new SFVec3d/f (x, y, z)

Constructs a SFVec3d/f from x, y and z, where x, y and z are scalar expressions.


The [@@iterator]() method of SFVec3d/f instances implements the iterable protocol and allows SFVec3d/f objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns a iterator object that yields the properties of the object in order.

const copy = new SFVec3d (... vector); // Copy using spread syntax.


x: number

Returns the first value of the vector.

y: number

Returns the second value of the vector.

z: number

Returns the third value of the vector.


abs (): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the componentwise absolute value of the object.

add (other: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the passed SFVec3d/f added, componentwise, to the object.

clamp (low: SFVec3d/f, high: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns the elements of this object constrained to the range low to high. The returned value is computed as min(max(x, low), high).

cross (other: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns the cross product of the object and the passed SFVec3d/f other.

distance (other: SFVec3d/f): number

Returns the distance of this vector to SFVec3d/f other.

divide (denominator): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the object divided by the passed numeric value.

divVec (other: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the object divided, componentwise, by the passed SFVec3d/f other.

dot (other: SFVec3d/f): number

Returns the dot product of this vector and SFVec3d/f other.

inverse (): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the componentwise inverse of the object.

length (): number

Returns the geometric length of this vector.

lerp (destination: SFVec3d/f, t: number): SFVec3d/f

Returns a SFVec3d/f whose value is the linear interpolation between this object’s vector and destination at value 0 <= t <= 1. For t = 0, the value is this object’s vector. For t = 1, the value is destination.

min (other: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the componentwise minimum of the passed SFVec3d/f and the object.

max (other: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the componentwise maximum of the passed SFVec3d/f and the object.

multiply (factor: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed numeric value.

multVec (other: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the passed SFVec3d/f multiplied, componentwise, with the object.

negate (): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the componentwise negation of the object.

normalize (): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f of object converted to unit length

subtract (other: SFVec3d/f): SFVec3d/f

Returns an SFVec3d/f whose value is the passed SFVec3d/f subtracted, componentwise, from the object.

SFVec4d/SFVec4d/f Object

The SFVec4d/f object corresponds to an X3D SFVec4d/f field. Each component of the vector can be accessed using the x, y, z and w properties or using C-style array dereferencing (i.e. sfVec4d/fObjectName[0], sfVec4d/fObjectName[1], sfVec4d/fObjectName[2] or sfVec4d/fObjectName[3]).

Instance Creation Method(s)

sfVec4d/fObjectName = new SFVec4d/f ()

A new vector initialized with zero values is created and returned.

sfVec4d/fObjectName = new SFVec4d/f (number1, number2, number3, number4)

Constructs a SFVec4d/f from x, y, z and w, where x, y, z and w are scalar expressions.


The [@@iterator]() method of SFVec4d/f instances implements the iterable protocol and allows SFVec4d/f objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns a iterator object that yields the properties of the object in order.

const copy = new SFVec4d (... vector); // Copy using spread syntax.


x: number

Returns the first value of the vector.

y: number

Returns the second value of the vector.

z: number

Returns the third value of the vector.

w: number

Returns the fourth value of the vector.


abs (): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the componentwise absolute value of the object.

add (other: SFVec4d/f): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the passed SFVec4d/f added, componentwise, to the object.

clamp (low: SFVec4d/f, high: SFVec4d/f): SFVec4d/f

Returns the elements of this object constrained to the range low to high. The returned value is computed as min(max(x, low), high).

distance (other: SFVec4d/f): number

Returns the distance of this vector to SFVec4d/f other.

divide (denominator): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the object divided by the passed numeric value.

divVec (other: SFVec4d/f): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the object divided, componentwise, by the passed SFVec4d/f other.

dot (other: SFVec4d/f): number

Returns the dot product of this vector and SFVec4d/f other.

inverse (): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the componentwise inverse of the object.

length (): number

Returns the geometric length of this vector.

lerp (destination: SFVec4d/f, t: number): SFVec4d/f

Returns a SFVec4d/f whose value is the linear interpolation between this object’s vector and destination at value 0 <= t <= 1. For t = 0, the value is this object’s vector. For t = 1, the value is destination.

min (other: SFVec4d/f): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the componentwise minimum of the passed SFVec4d/f and the object.

max (other: SFVec4d/f): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the componentwise maximum of the passed SFVec4d/f and the object.

multiply (factor: SFVec4d/f): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the object multiplied by the passed numeric value.

multVec (other: SFVec4d/f): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the passed SFVec4d/f multiplied, componentwise, with the object.

negate (): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the componentwise negation of the object.

normalize (): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f of object converted to unit length.

subtract (other: SFVec4d/f): SFVec4d/f

Returns an SFVec4d/f whose value is the passed SFVec4d/f subtracted, componentwise, from the object.


The X3DArrayField object is the base object of all MF* objects. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of the corresponding SF* objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. X3DArrayFieldObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to 0.0.

Instance Creation Method(s)



The [@@iterator]() method of X3DArrayField instances implements the iterable protocol and allows X3DArrayField objects to be consumed by most syntaxes expecting iterables, such as the spread syntax and for...of loops. It returns a iterator object that yields the elements of the array in order.

const copy = new MFBool (... array); // Copy using spread syntax.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.


equals (array: X3DArrayField): boolean

Returns true if the passed MF* array of the same type is equals to this object, otherwise false.

Other Array functions

Common Array functions like at, entries, every, fill, filter, find, findIndex, findLast, findLastIndex, forEach, includes, indexOf, join, keys, lastIndexOf, map, pop, push, reduce, reduceRight, reverse, shift, slice, some, sort, splice, toReversed, toSorted, toSpliced, unshift, values, with are also available.

MFBool Object

The MFBool object corresponds to an X3D MFBool field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFBool objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfBoolObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to false.

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfBoolObjectName = new MFBool ([boolean, boolean…])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more numeric-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFColor/MFColorRGBA Object

The MFColor/MFColorRGBA object corresponds to an X3D MFColor/MFColorRGBA field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFColor/SFColorRGBA objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfColorObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFColor (0, 0, 0) or SFColorRGBA (0, 0, 0, 0).

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfColorObjectName = new MFColor/MFColorRGBA ([SFColor/SFColorRGBA, SFColor/SFColorRGBA, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more SFColor/SFColorRGBA-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.

Common Methods



MFDouble/MFFloat Object

The MFDouble/MFFloat object corresponds to an X3D MFDouble/MFFloat field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFFloat objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfFloatObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to 0.0.

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfFloat/DoubleObjectName = new MFDouble/MFFloat ([number, number…])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more numeric-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFImage Object

The MFImage object corresponds to an X3D MFImage field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFImage objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfImageObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFImage (0, 0, 0).

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfImageObjectName = new MFImage ([SFImage, SFImage, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more SFImage-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFInt32 Object

The MFInt32 object corresponds to an X3D MFInt32 field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFInt32 objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfInt32ObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to 0.

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfInt32ObjectName = new MFInt32 ([number, number, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more integer-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFMatrix3d/MFMatrix3d/f Object

The MFMatrix3d/f object corresponds to an X3D MFMatrix3d/f field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFMatrix3d/f objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfMatrix3d/fObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to the identity matrix.

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfMatrix3d/fObjectName = new MFMatrix3d/f ([SFMatrix3d/f, SFMatrix3d/f, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more SFMatrix3d/f-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFMatrix4d/MFMatrix4f Object

The MFMatrix4d/f object corresponds to an X3D MFMatrix4d/f field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFMatrix4d/f objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfMatrix4d/fObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to the identity matrix.

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfMatrix4d/fObjectName = new MFMatrix4d/f ([SFMatrix4d/f, SFMatrix4d/f, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more SFMatrix4d/f-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFNode Object

The MFNode object corresponds to an X3D MFNode field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFNode objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfNodeObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to null.

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfNodeObjectName = new MFNode ([SFNode, SFNode, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more SFNode-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.


toVRMLString ([options]): string

Returns the X3D VRML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of an MFNode field, produce this node.

For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.

toXMLString ([options]): string

Returns the X3D XML-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of an MFNode field, produce this node.

For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.

toJSONString ([options]): string

Returns the X3D JSON-encoded string that, if parsed as the value of an MFNode field, produce this node.

For options see X3DScene.toVRMLString.

MFRotation Object

The MFRotation object corresponds to an X3D MFRotation field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFRotation objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfRotationObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFRotation (0, 0, 1, 0).

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfRotationObjectName = new MFRotation ([SFRotation, SFRotation, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more SFRotation-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFString Object

The MFString object corresponds to an X3D MFString field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of String objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfStringObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to the empty string.

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfStringObjectName = new MFString ([string, string, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more string-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFTime Object

The MFTime object corresponds to an X3D MFTime field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFTime objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfTimeObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to 0.0.

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfTimeObjectName = new MFTime ([string, string, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more string-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFVec2d/MFVec2f Object

The MFVec2d/f object corresponds to an X3D MFVec2d/f field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFVec2d/f objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfVec2d/fObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFVec2d/f (0, 0).

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfVec2d/fObjectName = new MFVec2d/f ([SFVec2d/f, SFVec2d/f, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more SFVec2d/f-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFVec3d/MFVec3d/f Object

The MFVec3d/f object corresponds to an X3D MFVec3d/f field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFVec3d/f objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfVec3d/fObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFVec3d/f (0, 0, 0).

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfVec3d/fObjectName = new MFVec3d/f ([SFVec3d/f, SFVec3d/f, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more SFVec3d/f-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



MFVec4d/MFVec4f Object

The MFVec4d/f object corresponds to an X3D MFVec4d/f field. It is used to store a one-dimensional array of SFVec4d/f objects. Individual elements of the array can be referenced using the standard C-style dereferencing operator (e.g. mfVec4d/fObjectName[index], where index is an integer-valued expression with 0<=index<length and length is the number of elements in the array). Assigning to an element with index > length results in the array being dynamically expanded to contain length elements. All elements not explicitly initialized are set to SFVec4d/f (0, 0, 0, 0).

Instance Creation Method(s)

mfVec4d/fObjectName = new MFVec4d/f ([SFVec4d/f, SFVec4d/f, …])

The creation method can be passed 0 or more SFVec4d/f-valued expressions to initialize the elements of the array.


length: number

An integer containing the number of elements in the array. Assigning an integer to length changes the number of elements in the array.



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