ECMAScript Object and Function Definitions
There are a fixed set of objects in ECMAScript, each of which have a fixed set of properties (i.e. values) and methods (i.e. functions). For all object types except Math, there are functions to create an instance of the object. The supported set of objects are:
- X3DCanvasElement
- X3D Object
- Browser Services
- Scene Services
- Field Services and Objects
- Route Services
- Prototype Services
- Constants Services
See Also
The X3DCanvasElement, <x3d-canvas>, is the main element that displays the X3D content. It defines some functions to be used with this object.
Instance Creation Method(s)
An <x3d-canvas> can be created with the document.createElement
function to get a reference to an X3DCanvasElement.
const canvas = document .createElement ("x3d-canvas")
The X3DCanvasElement defines several attributes that are documented here.
browser: X3DBrowser
A reference to the X3DBrowser object that is associated with this element. This property is read only.
captureStream (frameRate?: number): MediaStream
See HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream().
toBlob (callback: (blob: Blob) => void, type?: string, quality?: number): void
See HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob().
toDataURL (type?: string, encoderOptions?: number): string
See HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL().
X3D Object
See Accessing the External Browser for properties and methods of the X3D object.