NurbsTextureCoordinate describes a 3D NURBS surface in the parametric domain of its surface host, specifying mapping of texture onto the surface.
The NurbsTextureCoordinate node belongs to the NURBS component and requires at least level 1, its default container field is texCoord. It is available from X3D version 3.0 or higher.
+ X3DNode
+ NurbsTextureCoordinate
SFNode [in, out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]
Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node.
SFInt32 [ ] uOrder 3 [2,∞)
Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.
SFInt32 [ ] vOrder 3 [2,∞)
Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.
SFInt32 [ ] uDimension 0 [0,∞)
Number of control points in u dimension.
SFInt32 [ ] vDimension 0 [0,∞)
Number of control points in v dimension.
MFDouble [ ] uKnot [ ] (-∞,∞)
Knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.
MFDouble [ ] vKnot [ ] (-∞,∞)
Knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.
MFDouble [in, out] weight [ ] (0,∞)
Output values for linear interpolation, each corresponding to knots.
- Number of weights must match number of knots!
MFVec2f [in, out] controlPoint [ ] (-∞,∞)
controlPoint defines a set of control points of dimension uDimension by vDimension, and defines a mesh where the points do not have uniform spacing.
- The SFNode controlPoint field can contain a single Coordinate or CoordinateDouble node.