NurbsCurve2D defines a trimming segment that is part of a trimming contour in the u-v domain of a surface. NurbsCurve2D and ContourPolyline2D nodes that together form a closed contour, defined in the u-v parametric space of a NURBS surface, may be used as children in a Contour2D node.
The NurbsCurve2D node belongs to the NURBS component and requires at least level 3, its default container field is children. It is available from X3D version 3.0 or higher.
+ X3DNode
+ X3DNurbsControlCurveNode
+ NurbsCurve2D
SFNode [in, out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]
Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node.
SFInt32 [in, out] tessellation 0 (-∞,∞)
Hint for surface tessellation.
SFBool [ ] closed FALSE
Whether or not the curve is closed (i.e. matching end values).
SFInt32 [ ] order 3 [2,∞)
Define order of surface by polynomials of degree = order-1.
MFDouble [ ] knot [ ] (-∞,∞)
knot vector, where size = number of control points + order of curve.
MFDouble [in, out] weight [ ] (0,∞)
Vector assigning relative weight value to each control point.
MFVec2d [in, out] controlPoint [ ] (-∞,∞)
controlPoint defines a set of control points of dimension uDimension by vDimension, and defines a mesh where the points do not have uniform spacing.
- NurbsCurve2D is not a renderable geometry node.