LayoutLayer is a Grouping node that can contain most nodes. LayoutLayer content is clipped by the specified viewport node.
The LayoutLayer node belongs to the Layout component and requires at least level 1, its default container field is layers. It is available from X3D version 3.2 or higher.
+ X3DNode
+ X3DLayerNode
+ LayoutLayer
SFNode [in, out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]
Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node.
SFBool [in, out] pickable TRUE
pickable determines whether pick traversal is performed for this layer.
MFString [in, out] objectType “ALL” [“ALL”, “NONE”, “TERRAIN”, …]
The objectType field specifies a set of labels used in the picking process. Each string specified is treated as an independent label that needs to be matched against the same type in one of the pick sensor instances. Example: labeling a PickableGroup with the objectType value “WATER” and then attempting to intersect a pick sensor with objectType value “GROUND” fails since the objectType values do not match. Example: the special value “ALL” means that each node is available for picking regardless of the type specified by the pick sensor. Example: the special value “NONE” effectively disables all picking for this node and is the equivalent of setting the pickable field to false.
- Authors may define any value for objectType.
- MFString arrays can have multiple values, so “separate each individual string” “by using quote marks”.
SFBool [in, out] pointerEvents TRUE non standard
pointerEvents defines whether this LayoutLayer becomes target for pointer events.
SFBool [in, out] visible TRUE
Whether or not renderable content within this node is visually displayed.
- The visible field has no effect on animation behaviors, event passing or other non-visual characteristics.
- Content must be visible to be collidable and to be pickable.
SFNode [in, out] layout NULL [X3DLayoutNode]
The layout field contains an X3DLayoutNode node that provides the information required to locate and size the layout region of the LayoutGroup node relative to its parent’s layout region, and also to scale the contents of the LayoutGroup.
SFNode [in, out] viewport NULL [X3DViewportNode]
The content of the LayoutGroup is clipped by the specified viewport.
MFNode [in] addChildren
Input field addChildren.
MFNode [in] removeChildren
Input field removeChildren.
MFNode [in, out] children [ ] [X3DChildNode]
Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.
- Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
- InputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
- InputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
- X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types
- Insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.
- Better functional description needed in X3D specification.