


HAnimJoint node can represent each joint in a body. The child HAnimSegment node provides a visual representation of the skeleton segment.

The HAnimJoint node belongs to the HAnim component and requires at least level 1, its default container field is children. It is available from X3D version 3.0 or higher.


+ X3DNode
  + X3DChildNode
    + X3DGroupingNode
      + HAnimJoint


SFNode [in, out] metadata NULL [X3DMetadataObject]

Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node.


SFString [in, out] description “”

Author-provided prose that describes intended purpose of this node.


  • Many XML tools substitute XML character references for special characters automatically if needed within an attribute value (such as & for & ampersand character, or " for “ quotation-mark character).

SFString [in, out] name “”

Unique name attribute must be defined so that HAnimJoint node can be identified at run time for animation purposes.


  • HAnim Specification part 1, Humanoid Joint-Segment Hierarchy
  • Well-defined names can simplify design and debugging through improved author understanding.
  • X3D Scene Authoring Hints, Naming Conventions
  • HAnim2 Names HAnim1 Alias Tables
  • Candidate names found in the HAnim Specification are humanoid_root, sacroiliac, l_hip, l_knee, l_talocrural, l_talocalcaneonavicular, l_cuneonavicular_1, l_tarsometatarsal_1, l_metatarsophalangeal_1, l_tarsal_interphalangeal_1, l_cuneonavicular_2, l_tarsometatarsal_2, l_metatarsophalangeal_2, l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_2, l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2, l_cuneonavicular_3, l_tarsometatarsal_3, l_metatarsophalangeal_3, l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_3, l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_3, l_calcaneocuboid, l_transversetarsal, l_tarsometatarsal_4, l_metatarsophalangeal_4, l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_4, l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_4, l_tarsometatarsal_5, l_metatarsophalangeal_5, l_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_5, l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_5, r_hip, r_knee, r_talocrural, r_talocalcaneonavicular, r_cuneonavicular_1, r_tarsometatarsal_1, r_metatarsophalangeal_1, r_tarsal_interphalangeal_1, r_cuneonavicular_2, r_tarsometatarsal_2, r_metatarsophalangeal_2, r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_2, r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2, r_cuneonavicular_3, r_tarsometatarsal_3, r_metatarsophalangeal_3, r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_3, r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_3, r_calcaneocuboid, r_transversetarsal, r_tarsometatarsal_4, r_metatarsophalangeal_4, r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_4, r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_4, r_tarsometatarsal_5, r_metatarsophalangeal_5, r_tarsal_proximal_interphalangeal_5, r_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_5, vl5, vl4, vl3, vl2, vl1, vt12, vt11, vt10, vt9, vt8, vt7, vt6, vt5, vt4, vt3, vt2, vt1, vc7, vc6, vc5, vc4, vc3, vc2, vc1, skullbase, l_eyelid_joint, r_eyelid_joint, l_eyeball_joint, r_eyeball_joint, l_eyebrow_joint, r_eyebrow_joint, temporomandibular, l_sternoclavicular, l_acromioclavicular, l_shoulder, l_elbow, l_radiocarpal, l_midcarpal_1, l_carpometacarpal_1, l_metacarpophalangeal_1, l_carpal_interphalangeal_1, l_midcarpal_2, l_carpometacarpal_2, l_metacarpophalangeal_2, l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2, l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2, l_midcarpal_3, l_carpometacarpal_3, l_metacarpophalangeal_3, l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_3, l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_3, l_midcarpal_4_5, l_carpometacarpal_4, l_metacarpophalangeal_4, l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_4, l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_4, l_carpometacarpal_5, l_metacarpophalangeal_5, l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_5, l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_5, r_sternoclavicular, r_acromioclavicular, r_shoulder, r_elbow, r_radiocarpal, r_midcarpal_1, r_carpometacarpal_1, r_metacarpophalangeal_1, r_carpal_interphalangeal_1, r_midcarpal_2, r_carpometacarpal_2, r_metacarpophalangeal_2, r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2, r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2, r_midcarpal_3, r_carpometacarpal_3, r_metacarpophalangeal_3, r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_3, r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_3, r_midcarpal_4_5, r_carpometacarpal_4, r_metacarpophalangeal_4, r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_4, r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_4, r_carpometacarpal_5, r_metacarpophalangeal_5, r_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_5, r_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_5


  • name prefix must match ancestor HAnimHumanoid name followed by underscore character, if more than one humanoid appears within a scene file. For example, ‘Nancy_’ prepended before location name.
  • name field is not included if this instance is a USE node, in order to avoid potential mismatches. Examples: humanoid_root sacroiliac l_hip l_knee l_ankle etc. as listed in HAnim Specification.
  • Note precise spelling of special HAnimJoint name=’humanoid_root’ according to

SFVec3f [in, out] translation 0 0 0 (-∞,∞)

Position of children relative to local coordinate system.


  • Since default pose faces along +Z axis, -x values are right side and +x values are left side within HAnimHumanoid.


  • Usually HAnimJoint position is controlled by the center field, not the translation field.

SFRotation [in, out] rotation 0 0 1 0 (-∞,∞) or [-1,1]

Orientation of children relative to local coordinate system.


  • Default pose is typically empty (or an identity rotation) to avoid distorted body animations.

SFVec3f [in, out] scale 1 1 1 (0,∞)

Non-uniform x-y-z scale of child coordinate system, adjusted by center and scaleOrientation.

SFRotation [in, out] scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 (-∞,∞) or [-1,1]

Preliminary rotation of coordinate system before scaling (to allow scaling around arbitrary orientations).

SFVec3f [in, out] center 0 0 0 (-∞,∞)

Translation offset from origin of local coordinate system.


  • Usually HAnimJoint position is controlled by the center field, not the translation field.

MFFloat [in, out] llimit [ 0, 0, 0 ] (-∞,∞)

Lower limit for minimum joint rotation in radians.


  • Always contains 3 values, one for each local axis.
  • An empty array is equivalent to 0 0 0.


  • Field shall contain three values or else be an empty array. Behavior is undefined when array length is 1, 2, or greater than 3.

MFFloat [in, out] ulimit [ 0, 0, 0 ] (-∞,∞)

Upper limit for maximum joint rotation in radians.


  • Always contains 3 values, one for each local axis.
  • An empty array is equivalent to 0 0 0.


  • Field shall contain three values or else be an empty array. Behavior is undefined when array length is 1, 2, or greater than 3.

SFRotation [in, out] limitOrientation 0 0 1 0 (-∞,∞) or [-1,1]

Orientation of upper/lower rotation limits, relative to HAnimJoint center.

MFFloat [in, out] stiffness [ 0, 0, 0 ] [0,1]

A scale factor of (1 - stiffness) is applied around the corresponding axis (X, Y, or Z for entries 0, 1 and 2 of the stiffness field). Thus a stiffness value of zero means that no rotation scaling occurs, while a stiffness value of one means that no rotation occurs regardless of any provided rotation.


  • An empty array is equivalent to 0 0 0.
  • Used by inverse kinematics (IK) systems.


  • Field shall contain three values or else be an empty array. Behavior is undefined when array length is 1, 2, or greater than 3.

MFInt32 [in, out] skinCoordIndex [ ] [0,∞)

Coordinate index values referencing which vertices are influenced by the HAnimJoint.


  • Corresponding skinCoord Coordinate and skinNormal Normal nodes are directly contained within the ancestor HAnimHumanoid node for this HAnimJoint.


MFFloat [in, out] skinCoordWeight [ ]

Weight deformation values for the corresponding values in the skinCoordIndex field.


MFNode [in, out] displacers [ ] [HAnimDisplacer]

The displacers field stores HAnimDisplacer objects for a particular HAnimJoint object.


SFBool [in, out] visible TRUE

Whether or not renderable content within this node is visually displayed.


  • The visible field has no effect on animation behaviors, event passing or other non-visual characteristics.
  • Content must be visible to be collidable and to be pickable.

SFBool [in, out] bboxDisplay FALSE

Whether to display bounding box for associated geometry, aligned with world coordinates.


  • The bounding box is displayed regardless of whether contained content is visible.

SFVec3f [ ] bboxSize -1 -1 -1 [0,∞) or −1 −1 −1

Bounding box size is usually omitted, and can easily be calculated automatically by an X3D player at scene-loading time with minimal computational cost. Bounding box size can also be defined as an optional authoring hint that suggests an optimization or constraint.


  • Can be useful for collision computations or inverse-kinematics (IK) engines.
  • Precomputation and inclusion of bounding box information can speed up the initialization of large detailed models, with a corresponding cost of increased file size.
  • X3D Architecture, 10.2.2 Bounding boxes /Part01/components/grouping.html#BoundingBoxes
  • X3D Architecture, 10.3.1 X3DBoundedObject /Part01/components/grouping.html#X3DBoundedObject

SFVec3f [ ] bboxCenter 0 0 0 (-∞,∞)

Bounding box center accompanies bboxSize and provides an optional hint for bounding box position offset from origin of local coordinate system.


MFNode [in] addChildren

Input field addChildren.

MFNode [in] removeChildren

Input field removeChildren.

MFNode [in, out] children [ ] [HAnimJoint,HAnimSegment,HAnimSite]

Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.


  • Each grouping node defines a coordinate space for its children, relative to the coordinate space of its parent node. Thus transformations accumulate down the scene graph hierarchy.
  • Place any geometry for this HAnimJoint in the child HAnimSegment, wrapped within a Transform having the same translation value as the current HAnimJoint center value.
  • InputOnly MFNode addChildren field can append new X3DChildNode nodes via a ROUTE connection, duplicate input nodes (i.e. matching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
  • InputOnly MFNode removeChildren field can remove nodes from the children list, unrecognized input nodes (i.e. nonmatching DEF, USE values) are ignored.
  • X3D Architecture 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types /Part01/components/grouping.html#GroupingAndChildrenNodes


  • HAnimJoint can only contain HAnimJoint or HAnimSegment nodes (each having default containerField='children').




  • HAnimJoint can only contain certain nodes: HAnimJoint and HAnimSegment (with containerField='children') and also HAnimDisplacer nodes (with containerField='displacers').
  • An HAnimJoint may not be a child of an HAnimSegment.
  • Requires X3D profile='Full' or else include <component name='HAnim' level='1'/>
  • For X3D3 HAnim1, spelling of component name is ‘H-Anim’ (including hyphen).
  • For X3D3 HAnim1, spelling of component name is ‘H-Anim’ (including hyphen).
  • The number of contained <HAnimJoint USE=’*’ containerField='joints'/> nodes at top level of HAnimHumanoid needs to match the number of corresponding HAnimJoint node instances found within the preceding skeleton hierarchy.

See Also

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